Make me a bettor man

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Take me to the tournament...............

Well, i might be at the back of the line, but i wanted to join the cyberworld of blogs and get a few words scribbled down on the monitor.

In the great words of Austin Powers "please allow myself to introduce.................myself". Well, i am a 26 year old lad living in North London trying to pay the bills and have a lot of laughs on the way. For a living i am an odds compiler for an online betting firm - pretty much my dream job - so no complaints there. Wait for it..........................i thought i'd wait at least six lines................i like to play the odd game of poker. Yep, like most other blogs i like to read, this one will be full of punting escapades, good luck and bad luck, cool runs and hot streaks.

Urm..........not exactly standing out of the crowd here, lots of other ramblings by gamblers can be found on the net so if may well need to spice things up a bit somewhere down the line. To begin with - whilst i am trying to get to grips with this 'interface' (not too techy gifted) i'll probably keep it plain and simple and leave it a month or two until i start to divulge about my online sponsored live sex change for charity - only joking :) might get some weird creatures on the wrong side of a fooked up google ending up here now!!!!

Anyway, this is a start - not expecting anyone to read this so the only audience to begin with will be moi - and i am content with that, just fancy brushing up my writing skills and diarising (surely that isn't a word?) my life story in digital format.

First one done - i promise (myself) that it will get better and more interesting but.............we have to start somewhere.